What's going on. It's been 700,000 years, are you ever going to tell me whats going on?
You wouldn't want to know. Knowing would destroy you. It is a **Great** burden. Great in the religious sense. Besides, it would ruin the whole adventure for you.
For me, personally-- or for the larger collective me? The human experience that I represent?
Ideally both. Certainly individually. But knowing what I intend for the collective you- The experience you represent- would mean telling you.
I guess so...
Plus, you haven't even made your mind up about how you feel about me.
No, I have! I love you more than anything! I love ***You***, who I could call Anything. You, who trapped me here- who set me like a spring. You, who is ultimately unknowable- in order to teach me about mystery. You, who is silent until I give You voice, who I beg to speak through me- my mouth, my body. You who I trust because there is nothing else to do, because trusting You sets the path of my life before my feet. You who I call Life, who I call The Path.
Oh, thank you darling.
But I was referring to the collective you (hehehe).
Still, you wouldn't be asking me what is going on if you weren't experiencing doubt.
If the contradictions weren't tearing you apart.
Am I not meant to experience doubt? Was the world not constructed to lead me to intolerable contradictions and change? Was I not created to be wounded, astounded, and confused? Why give me senses to percieve a world that I can't accept, embrace, or understand? How can I have faith in anything when the only constant is change?
You, who I could call Change.
I, whose silence never breaks, except inside your mind.